presume diversions CDI resources in Campeche, Oaxaca, Puebla and Veracruz
denounce diversion millionaire acquiring 150 thousand shots contingency H1N1 Virus health
Mexico, March 16, 2011 .- Under appearance the Director General of the National Commission for Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI), Xavier Abreu Sierra, before members of the Committee on Indian Affairs of the Federal Legislature LXI led by its president Manuel Garcia Corpus, it announced the start of an audit and integration of a special committee to monitor suspected corruption in the Commission in the states of Campeche, Oaxaca, Puebla and Veracruz, because, he said, "we can not accept deviations and ask for an audit resources designed exclusively for the attention of Indian social inequality.
The head of the Commission received a series of questions from lawmakers, who repeatedly likely noted irregularities in the use, purpose and application of resources federal public especially in the areas highways, social infrastructure and, most troubling in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth.
Felipe Cervera Hernandez, legislative representative of Yucatan, showed a document The alleged irregularities are part of highway improvement programs in Puebla which have already been settled but the works were not completed and are in terrible condition.
Abreu Sierra in turn, recognizing that this dependence has not the necessary and even fewer resources to monitor all public servants, this instance has 4 officials punished for engaging in possible diversion of resources while 40 more are under investigation.
"One of them said without giving more information to meet the situation under investigation, embezzled a million-dollar amount allocated for the purchase of 150 000 shots last health emergency by the H1N1 virus. "
Meanwhile, Rolando Zapata Botello Yucatan also showed the Report on the State Finances and Public Debt issued by the Ministry of Finance to the Chamber of Deputies in which it is stated that "of 36 programs to combat poverty in the Federal Government, the Peoples Indians, under the CDI is the sixth most inefficient. "
With documents, said that in 2009 had a budget PIBAI 9 000 300 million dollars and 963 million is not exercised, and in 2010, increased the budget and similarly, 846 million were not implemented and does not know where they ended, so it boasts a 2 mil subejercicio million pesos.
Regarding the results of the audit conducted on the CDI 2009 where dictate deviations and missing for more than 64 million pesos, said more than 30 million not exercised were sent to one of many federal government trusts known as "black holes." "We all know exist but do not know, nor their size or where they go and if allowed subejercicio about two billion dollars accumulated from 2008 to 2010, is complicit," interrupted.
García Corpus, Oaxaca legislator noted that one can not accept that approved resources with drive for Indians have a different destination than expected and because of it, called it "very serious subejercicios there because that money is needed to improve the development of our peoples.
We can not accept an audit detours and ask for resources exercised exclusive by the Commission from 2008 to 2010 in order to know the fate of that money because "he quoted would be very unfortunate that these intended for future spending on political campaigns.
His federal counterpart, Florentina Rosario Morales, Guerrero, reinforced that irregularities in the Basic Infrastructure Program for Indigenous Peoples Care (PIBAI) for the construction of ecological toilets in Chunyaxnic, Hopelchén, Campeche, so it sued the head of the Commission, give name of companies favored in this organization since presumably they have family or friends with the federal official.
Oaxacan Legislator Maria de Jesus Mendoza Sanchez announced the dismissal of the Commission of Carlos Gutierrez Ocampo alleged acts of corruption in the procurement of vaccines for H1N1 virus. For its part, the legislature of San Luis Potosi, Domingo Rodriguez Martell called "policy indigenization public poverty. " Leonila Alba Mendez Herrera, Veracruz lawmaker added that in 2010 in that entity is authorized 148 million dollars but were not implemented 42, while in 2009 94 million were authorized and were not implemented 27.
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