Exigen partidos de Oaxaca transparencia para la elección de Consejeros
Para garantizar la transparencia en los nombramientos, fue conferida a la Comisión Permanente de Honor y Justicia
Oaxaca, México. 18 Marzo 2011.- Las fracciones parlamentarias Convergence of Party Working , joined the Democratic Revolution Party, to demand transparency and legitimacy in the election of the next directors election.
The appointment of new staff, even that will replace the Local Electoral Council chaired by José Luis Echeverría Morales - as part political reform Local discussing Congress, "has generated much discussion, and even internal differences between the elected representatives.
Convergence Congresswoman Margarita Garcia, questioned the PAN-PRI alliance possible to exercise a legislative Albaz and allow the appointment of Othniel Peña Montor as new head of the electoral body.
"Nevermore factional alliance between political parties to promote interests personal or group. "
popular The representative said that he should be in front of the electoral body should be honored and proven character righteousness and political honesty.
mention that it is time that political and democratic transition is reflected in the attitudes of political actors.
While the Labour Party deputy and former Minister of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO), Flavio Sosa Villavicencio, recriminations PAN factional attitude of trying to break the legislative coalition, achieved after the election victory 4th of July.
sorry recklessly PAN deputies voted with the PRI, to take the selection process for new council members to the commission of honor and justice, when by law the procedure should be in power of the Commission Interior.
"It's a reckless attitude that consolidation would make the bread PRI accomplice."
Sosa Villavicencio advancement that emphasize the need for citizenship and the electoral council will not allow any political party to hijack the electoral council. "
Meanwhile Thomas Basaldúa PRD, said that behind the bid and bid Montor Peña hand is the political pressure of the old PRI " who still directs and manipulates the former governor Ulises Ruiz. "
For its part, the coordinator of the parliamentary group of PAN Juan Mendoza, rejection have an alliance with the PRI to appoint the next council members.
established that to ensure transparency in appointments, was vested in the Standing Committee of Honor and Justice who chairs the legislature albiazul Luis Guadalupe Martínez the power to scrutinize and monitor the appointment of the next board election is conducted in a conscientious and law-abiding.
SOURCE: milenio.com
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