Oaxacan 2.2 million in multidimensional poverty: Coneval
There are 172 municipalities considered high, medium or very high marginalization, which you should take a priority
Oaxaca, Mexico. March 17, 2011 .- To evaluate the public policies of government, the State Governor, Gabino Cue Monteagudo and executive secretary of the Board Assessment Social Development Policy (Coneval), Gonzalo Hernández Licona, signed a cooperation agreement to have the technical tools to support institutional mechanism to the benefit of citizens.
After listening to the indices for measuring poverty in Oaxaca by Council Secretary, which states that in 2008, 62 percent of the population lives in poverty multidimensional, equivalent to 2.2 million people, the state ruler said that the indicators will be replaced only if efforts are focusing local, state and federal.
commented that in the state are 172 municipalities that are considered high, medium or very highly marginalized which you should take a priority.
Given the Coneval council members, who first bring their decision-making mechanism to a state of the Republic In this case Oaxaca, Cue Monteagudo said the state government's interest to have these indexes and measurements of poverty and marginalization that provides this body, to develop strategies that will guide the direction of the entity with the National Development Plan 2011 - 2016 which is already under preparation.
The state executive said Coneval measurements allow establish public policies focused to meet the people who need it the most effective programs and actions that deliver results.
The president said the State Government will also establish its own measurement model with the purpose of evaluating the success and failure government action, because this type of exercise strengthens the transparency and accountability as demanded by the public.
At the meeting held in the Hall Shields Government Palace, Hernández Licona, said the assessment is fundamental to strengthening transparency and accountability of the three levels of government.
"What we understand all is that a country implies a more democratic transparent country, with the assessment and measurement do better governance. The government's goal of Gabino Cue is precisely to foster transparency and measure how is the evolution of social development, "he said.
explained that this agreement The Coneval support in training officials to implement a model for evaluating social programs; monitoring and follow up actions in implementing the assessment model developed by the state, public information exchange in terms of the provisions of federal and state ordinances applicable to the subject; technical support staff appointed by the state to carry out methodologies and assessment tools, monitoring and measurement of poverty, among other actions.
said the Coneval, complying with the Social Development Act, is required to measure poverty in such areas as income, access to health, food, social security , housing, also water, sewer, electricity, education and other social issues as part of a transparent democratic process and the country and state.
be until next July 29 when the measurement will be in poverty until 2010, after the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) published by the Survey National Income and Expenditure (ENIGH) that year.
Coneval should be noted that it has signed technical cooperation agreements with the governments of Chiapas, Guerrero, Mexico City, Mexico, Puebla, Jalisco and Colima, and now in Oaxaca.
The meeting was attended by six members of this body: María del Rosario Cardenas Elizalde, María Graciela Teruel Belismelis, Fernando Alberto Cortes Cáceres, Agustín Escobar Latapí, Solomon Nahaman Sitton, and John Scott Andretta, researchers and academics Coneval who remain in this city for several days and met for the first time outside of its facilities in Mexico City.
For the Government of the State Secretary attended Social and Human Development, Carlos Altamirano Toledo Head of the Office of the Governor's, Héctor Pérez Iturribarria and the coordinator of Sustainable Development Modules, Albino Gerardo Gonzalez, among others.
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