The Cuban delegation attending the XVII World Festival of Youth and Students, not only raise the flag of their causes, but also advocate for solidarity, and the priorities of this world: peace, environment environment, prevent nuclear war and the right to education of the people.
Cuba travel in the spirit of 265 young people bring into his voice the anguish of the people of Palestine and Western Sahara, and embody the national sentiment Back to the Five inmates in U.S. prisons.
light emanating from two great men of history: Fidel Castro and Mandela, radiate to the 15 000 young people and students from 13 to 21 December in South Africa will embrace.
The southern tip of the continent, specifically the city of Pretoria, will also be burning platform to condemn imperialism by its policy of interference in all corners of the globe.
Of the purposes of the event and ideas that will defend our delegation, spoke on the morning of Wednesday Leira Sanchez, president of the National Preparatory Committee (NPC), and leader of International Relations Department of the National Committee of the Communist Youth Union.
explained that since June 12, the NPC shall be constituted, its members agreed that this festival is also an area of \u200b\u200bprofound tribute to the soldiers who served in Africa, and the Cuban family that forged heat- of the revolution, these great values \u200b\u200bin their children.
"We have a duty not to let it die this beautiful story," he said, while highlighting the 50 years of independence that met several African nations, which printed a value to that scenario.
For these reasons, the important meeting, also held in the 63 anniversary of the movement of these festivals and the International Youth Year, sought among its objectives show the progress of African nations after breaking free from colonial shackles and other ills.
Among the ideas that the youth leader stated at the press conference, emphasized that the delegation will have the privilege of counting among its members with 35 Cuban collaborators carrying out missions in various latitudes in Africa, including Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Algeria and South Africa itself.
also was learned that their hopes and dreams will speak, as members of the Cuban delegation, young people from some 27 nations who will attest to the reality of the island, where they have spent years of study they could not afford elsewhere.
Among the criteria that assessed the National Preparatory Committee for the selection of candidates will be on behalf of students and young Cubans are outstanding and his attitude has its merits in the workplace contributions to economic development.
up this task also sports heroes, the families of the Five, as well as renowned artists and fighters of the African exploits.
"he said at the meeting will be devoted Sánchez-Leira a special day for South Africa, America and the value that was the battle of Cuito. Meanwhile, on December 20 is the date chosen to denounce the crimes of capitalism in the International Anti-Imperialist Tribunal.
The agenda of the UJC, its organizations and student movements, scheduled for the summer event, including the defense of the most genuine internationalist and anti-imperialist values.
neoliberal policies and the efforts of the World Trade Organization to turn in business education will also be reported by the progressive youth of the world in its Festival. The Anti-Imperialist Tribunal emerge as one of the main platforms to sit on the dock to that organization, to treat education as a service and not a right, encouraged private education and, therefore, that only a few have access to knowledge.
About the agenda of Latin American and Caribbean Continental Organization of Students (OCLAE) for the Festival, the president spoke, Yordanys Charchaval, adding that the fight for public education as a law remains one of the main demands of the organization has 36 student organizations from 23 countries.
The young Cuban said that exchanges of experiences in the South African event, which have confirmed their attendance 22 student organizations from 14 countries, will enable the OCLAE reach its Sixteenth Congress much more strengthened. Discuss
Cuba from his art
Cuban culture will also travel to the most southern African nations. The appointment will not only be a space for political debate to be plotted strategies to combat this common enemy of the peoples of the South, imperialism, but it will be a forum where all cultures can be geared to a single embrace.
David White and his group, rappers Doble Filo, the jazz Yasek Manzano and Obini Bata drummers take their music.
Days before leaving on the night of December 4, these young musicians will sit in the stairway of the University of Havana to mark the 40th anniversary of the Federation of High School Students (FEEM) and on the occasion of the Festival.
Meanwhile, the plastic will be represented by some of our young artists in Cuba will have space in the Festival. A Pretoria also reach a sample of Cuban literature, mainly from the Casa Editora Abril, in a bilingual version.
"talk about Cuba from his art," declared Luis Morlote, president of the Hermanos Saiz Association, and stated that our artists will also participate in panels and debates of the South African event.
abounded throughout the country in youth and student institutions involved in the Festival take our streets and parks, various cultural events, sports and leisure, so that "young Cubans also feel that here will your Festival.
The tribute to Cuban internationalists who died in the independence struggles in Africa and elsewhere in the world, will not only Pretoria, but will also take place here in a day of tribute on 7 December.
And as another expression of the dreams and struggles connected the different generations who gave everything for the destiny of the country and other lands, commitment to the Festival also distinguish the solemn commemoration of the events of November 27, 1871.
As usual, kids will leave a massive march that day of the Steps of the University of Havana and continue along the Calle de San Lazaro up to the Mausoleum of the Point, to pay tribute to the eight killed in medical students that year by English colonialism.
* This information was written in conjunction with my colleague and friend of Juventud Rebelde Yailin Orta
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