Pretoria's breath for a fair education
In the XVII World Festival of Youth and Students OCLAE find the platform to denounce the privatization of education
Again, the Continental Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Students (OCLAE) accompanies the World Festival of Youth and Students.
In Pretoria, the seat of the seventeenth edition of this youth event between 13 and 21 December, the reality will OCLAE diverse students in Latin America and the Caribbean, its historical claims and proposals to build a peaceful world and equal rights for all.
Its president, Yordanys Charchaval, explained that South Africa will address many topics that respond to specific realities of the countries that make up the organization. A common approach of many member organizations is the complaint against budget cuts in universities and privatization of public education in Latin America.
The Anti-Imperialist Tribunal, one of the main activities of the XVII Festival, Latin American and Caribbean students defend the right to a much wider public education and quality and university autonomy, and denounce the intention of the World Trade Organization turn education into a business, said Charchaval.
We are opposed to privatization, said the official, who gave as an example of this process to public higher education in Chile. It will also address the reality of the Puerto Rican student movement, which fight for your rights and strongly denounces the fact that U.S. neo-colony, as well as persecution and disappearances of student leaders in Colombia.
Charchaval forward secondaries Honduran students will be updating the world about the reality of his country after the coup.
"The Festival will be a vital area of \u200b\u200bthe confluence of various experiences in education, and that is why there are so many aspirations, a lot of commitment, in order to make good debates and resolutions and agreements can achieve substantial," he said.
The event will help pave the XVI Congress of the OCLAE, umbrella organization to 36 member associations from 23 countries and represents more than 110 million students secondaries and higher educational level of the region.
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