PAN presidential close ranks around 2012
Seven of 10 candidates for the Presidency PAN agree to maintain the unit to prevent the return of the PRI and shut out those who want 'to reverse' the country
Mexico , May 1, 2011 .- Seven of the 10 presidential hopefuls PAN closed ranks towards 2012, to prevent the return of the PRI governments and those who love you 'to reverse' the country and to refuse to approve far-reaching reforms such as labor.
In the National Meeting of State structures, led by the leader of the National Action Party (PAN), Gustavo Madero , the PAN called for reconciliation and unambiguous act without hesitation and generosity on behalf of the institute and the candidate is elected, to remember that the opponent is out their ranks.
In its participation, Senator Santiago Creel Miranda recalled that often speaks of unity and it is never enough, for 'unity in the party does not happen automatically requires a (...) conscientious decision, a decision of will and a profound mystic. "
The party must find a unit of comrades-friends and fellow former adversaries, it is not only sought to win elections next year, but break the old system, monopolies, trade unions and corrupt governors, he said.
He said an example of corrupt government is insecurity in the country, due to the complicity of the PRI governments, because "they themselves agree with organized crime, you know what? We do not now or ever. "
For his part, Secretary of Social Development, Heriberto Felix Guerra, said that the PAN will not fit internal divisions, especially when the common cause is Mexico, because 'the teams win championships, individuals win games. "
The PAN 'I come to add, I come to play in a team with you, not to speak ill of my colleagues', since the candidate to beat is out,' the nominations are a means, the presidency itself is a means, the common good is a goal that unites us that we are here is to serve Mexico, "he said.
asked to remind all Mexicans, especially the young, who is the PRI, Mexico did not return to the past or fall into the abyss, which is why the PAN 'going for the presidency of Mexico to continue serving our country with bravery and valor. "
In turn, the governor of Jalisco, Emilio González Márquez, he stressed that the governments of the PAN govern for the common good and not for a few and that they would not give rise to the polls but the results to reduce the marginalization and increase family income.
recalled that PAN was the third mayor in Guadalajara, the third governor PAN in Jalisco and 'I'll be the third President of the Republic PAN'.
criticized while in the state of Mexico declined 15.9 percent marginalization in Jalisco was 23 percent above the national average 'is that the candidate they believe will improve our country, I do not I believe 'he said in reference to the Mexican governor, Enrique Peña Nieto.
In turn, the education secretary, Alonso Lujambio Irazábal, said that in 2000, the PAN would lose the election and win with Vicente Fox Quesada, in 2006, we would lose and gain by Felipe Calderón, and in 2012, 'no doubt that we're going back to win the presidential election. "
He argued that within the PAN is heard the voice of those who aspire to the presidential candidacy and the blue and white made a feat to beat the system more democratic and authoritarian of the twentieth century's longest, ie 71 years of government defeated authoritarian PRI.
accused the PRI governments 'dynamite' family economies, unlike the PAN that has given stability.
'I want to tell the PRI in 10 years we have built 173 thousand 684 new universities and new high schools to build the future of Mexican youth, "he said.
Then, he said, 'we do not go with the story that we do not govern. They have been bad government and bad (...) opposition began to mourn in Congress because they knew no rule in 1982, silenced the voice of young people who wanted to express in 1968, made a deal with the narco. "
The owner of the SEP once again requested the Mexican governor, Peña Nieto 'giving face' and explain why the PRI does not approve the work and policy reforms, 'why does not want that millions of young Mexicans have alternative employment. "
Meanwhile, Labor Secretary Javier Lozano Alarcón said his party has three tasks ahead and three conditions: to defend this, dust off the past and building the future, and act with discipline, unity and generosity ; communicate the right thing and choose the right candidates. "
'If we do this, "he said," I am convinced that National Action will win the elections of 2012', hence, there is an obligation to know the results that have been made in the 10 years to PAN 'move souls and can infect people' that alternation has been worthwhile.
stressed that action should be unambiguous and without hesitation, to win not only the Office of the President and the Congress, while he said he is ready 'to be and not to be' the candidate.
called public servants to publicize the achievements PAN and to accompany the candidates, because "here there are only those in the Civil Service and that the political people do.
public servants not masters. We are required to be active and ongoing militant campaign, of course, respecting the regulations. "
'should accompany all the campaigns and that we should do, I insist, despite the allegations in the Fepade up is an honor to have accumulated in the Fepade complaints, and we know how to defend, but we must act as a project and be convinced we can win the Presidency of the Republic "he said.
During the ceremony, the coordinator of the PAN bloc in the Chamber of Deputies, Josefina Vazquez Mota, said that the PAN should be no doubt that the win-white, in unity, the presidential election and with it the century, to end authoritarianism.
We are ready, we have the best party we have the best story and best talents, so in 2012 we endorsed the presidency of Mexico, 'he said, to make an urgent call for unity around whoever is elected as presidential candidate .
stressed that 'the election of 2012 is not going to win the election day, the election shall start earning from today, from this moment, when these structures back to each district, each state where they can share as party leaders, there is only one party that no one owns the game. "
He said, however, that what is at stake 'is not only winning the presidency in 2012, is whether we win or lose the XXI century, freedom of citizens, our children, for our children's children and to overcome poverty. "
In turn, the treasury secretary, Ernesto Cordero, said the first year rule of PAN have been the best of modern Mexico, in such a way asked critics of the PAN What we have done better?
commented that each PAN should be proud that the party is a hotbed of free men willing to serve Mexico. "I have no doubt that the governments of the PAN are and will remain the better government for the XXI Century Mexico. "
R ECORD that in 10 years has achieved universal health coverage, have built more houses than those made in 71 years of PRI governments and the hallmark of this administration has been the stability and financially sound, unlike the cyclical debacles devaluations and PRI governments.
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