Youth has always been a vital force in the development of societies. With natural creativity, willingness to change, transformation and strength, youth struggle for freedom, peace and social transformation, for the right to education, employment, democratic rights and peace has always played a significant role in the overall struggle for a just and peaceful world. This is shown not only by the past, but for the present, with large demonstrations by students, workers youth and other young people in general are at the forefront of resistance against exploitation, the struggle for rights, the imperialist plunder of resources, racism, sexism, colonialism, fascism, war military interventions, and for human survival. We call upon the youth to continue this fight.
At the same time, when imperialism dominated the world in the midst of one of the deeper structural crisis of capitalism, the worsening situation of youth, with the growing number of young unemployed or precarious employment, increasing the benefits of large economic groups continues to grow number of people who keep the resistance in all countries where young people are victims of imperialism resisted bravely, and in many countries under sanctions, blockade and imperialist occupation. This crisis is proving the historical limits of this system and there is potential for stronger fight against him and to changes in the balance between different forces in the world. We call upon the youth to join our resistance struggle against the exploitation of people and the environment, the real satisfaction of the needs of the people.
At a time when increased militarization of the imperialist forces World, by creating more military bases, to compete for markets and natural resources, increase the firepower of armies, their budgets, the development of high-tech weapons, environmental devastation and natural resources, eco-testing the predatory nature of imperialism, the Earth has become a more dangerous place for young people to live. Along with the promotion of imperial structures, like NATO, EU, AFRICOM and other organizations, imperialism is becoming more aggressive toward progressive organizations, democratic and communist, which requires of us stepping up the fight for peace .
Increased military offensive and provocations against any progressive government in Latin America and the Caribbean, the pursuit of student and youth movements in Colombia, of all progressive forces and anti-imperialist and youth organizations in Eastern Europe , the equalization of communism and Nazism, the attacks on Western Sahara UJSARIO, crimes against youth and people of Palestine by the Zionist occupation of Israel sponsored by imperialism, the continuing occupation of Cyprus, the occupation Iraq and Afghanistan, the oppression of indigenous peoples, among many other examples, are undoubtedly one of the elements key to understanding imperialism that show this is a strategy to destroy democratic rights.
Youth fought, fight and will fight for public education, free and democratic quality, for the right to employment, full respect for labor rights, democratic rights, the right to free access health, sports and culture, environmental protection, for sovereignty, for a decent life, friendship, solidarity and peace among all peoples of the world. There will be no imperialist campaign, no book-school anti-scientific, no industry of culture, no sense nationalist or racial prejudice or secessionist movement promoted by imperialism, and ethnic or religious conflicts promoted by imperialism that can stop the fighting youth and workers' struggles against the exploitation of man by man to be victorious.
The XVII World Festival of Youth and Students (WFYS), which will take place has a past rich in experience, particularly experience WFYS XVI, held in Caracas - Venezuela, in August 2005, the success represents a great responsibility and great hope for the upcoming XVII WFYS, which will be in Pretoria - South Africa in December 2010. The XVII WFYS
for the first time in countries of southern Africa, highlights the anti-imperialist character of the World Festivals of Youth Students. The confrontation with imperialism is the key to achieving the WFYS, with a significant contribution of progressive and socialist countries. International participation, youth and students and their political-cultural features are elements that we need to strengthen, with solidarity with South Africa, resistance to any imperialist intervention, the construction of a multicultural and multinational peace, sovereignty and social justice today, when the valiant struggle of the South African people and youth networks have broken apartheid.
Moreover, the organization of the XVII WFYS on the African continent is a sign of support to African youth, who so valiantly struggles against the new wave of imperialism, whether military expression, through the implementation of military bases across the continent (including dangerous project of the U.S. AFRICOM) and the increasing military presence in Somalia, or economic and political expression, trying to force all countries to bend to the will of imperialism, with the punished with sanctions those who refuse to accept this new neo-colonialist manner against their countries and peoples.
Festival World Youth and Students is organized collectively and representing the millions of young people striving for a peaceful future without imperialism and its structures. Its democratic process, from the time of preparation until the closing ceremony is unique and must be preserved and deepened, to be even more in touch with the daily struggles of countries around the world of youth and students.
We call on all progressive youth and students to join the struggle for peace and against imperialism, and actively work from now to strengthen the XVII WFYS in their countries and participate in the Festival in South Africa.
one World Peace, Solidarity and Social Transformations defeat imperialism!
We will work to the success of the XVII World Festival of Youth and Students in South Africa.
* In the picture, XVI World Festival of Youth and Students held in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo: Franklin Reyes / Juventud Rebelde
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