13 to December 21, progressive youth around the world, inspired by Fidel and Raul, South Africa drawn in the pulsating control strategies for just causes

For the first time, that movement will rendezvous in sub-Saharan African country to reflect, discuss and develop strategies to fight for a just world. But while the finishing touches on their preparation, and the beats ...
Festival As Jesus said Rafael Mora, a representative of the Union of Young Communists of Cuba at the General Secretariat of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), this festival will, as always, anti-imperialist.
The important meeting of the progressive youth, whose slogan is one world of peace, solidarity and social transformation, we defeat imperialism, will take place at a particular juncture, when capitalism underwent a profound structural crisis, to the point of endangering survival of the human species. Thus one of the key claims that have resulted from the preparatory meetings is to combat environmental destruction, as a main topic.
"will remain a youth festival that will go to express their demands on how to build a world based on solidarity. It will emphasize the social, because young people believe that to build a world in peace and solidarity is necessary to transform and destroy the capitalist system that has led to so much destruction. "
Other causes are historical and have always found this forum the solidarity of the world's youth: the Palestinian struggle against the Zionist occupation, the decolonization of Western Sahara, to support the Cuban Revolution and the condemnation of the economic, commercial and financial support from Washington to our country.
nerve issues from Latin America are the persecution and murder of young people left in Colombia, Honduras and the situation after the coup by sector oligarchs with U.S. support
For Mora, the event is done in a context marked by the plummeting worldwide popularity of U.S. President Barack Obama, when it has dispelled the euphoria surrounding his arrival at the White House.
"Gone are the effect of the charm of color and image, and people are clear of what Obama represents. It is a time when young people have been waking up and are confident that el imperialismo es el mismo en cualquier punto del orbe; que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos sigue siendo imperialista y con un marcado incremento del militarismo en el último año en todas las regiones del mundo. Se han percatado de que el proyecto de Obama es el mismo que el de Bush; y que incluso se puede desatar una guerra en Irán y en la península coreana», comentó.

Aunque nunca antes había sido sede de un Festival, África Subsahariana siempre recibió la solidaridad de la FMJD en la lucha contra el colonialismo, y específicamente Sudáfrica contó con el apoyo de la organización en la lucha contra el apartheid y por la release of Nelson Mandela.
The celebration of the youth event in the southern nation has been so well received throughout the region, which has been preparing to participate with a large presence, has Mora.
will be a stage to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the independence of 17 African countries, 45 of the Gambia, 35 of Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique and Sao Tome, 30 Zimbabwe, Namibia and 20. "Doing a Festival in sub-Saharan Africa is to mobilize the best of youth to a region that needs the support of progressive movements in the world, a region that has great natural resources, but managed by the multinationals.
"Young Africans today are trying to build your own system, its own identity, while facing the U.S. interference and the former European cities, which continue to control the economies of their former colonies. Today the continent's governments have the political power, but still engaged in achieving economic development. And that's based on the strength of youth movements, which demand the nationalization of natural resources and the income of their countries are made in order to eliminate poverty, "said Cuban youth leader, who also emphasized the rejection of these movements to the U.S. military command for Africa (AFRICOM).
The feeling of Africa
The two central figures of the XVII Festival is the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro and South African leader Nelson Mandela, two living legends that paved the way from Africa to the future. Mora
that when you decided at a meeting of the WFDY held in Lebanon, the seat of the Festival grant to South Africa, the first thing you did the fellow of that country present at the meeting was to request the floor to propose that the meeting to devote to an individual.
"Everyone thought it would be Mandela, but the name they mentioned was that of Fidel. In justifying the request, explained that South Africa and Namibia were free today thanks to the support provided by Cuba in the battle of Cuito, and the leadership of Fidel. Immediately asked to sing a song of struggle, dedicated to Fidel. As the letter was in a dialect, not understood ... except the name of Fidel Castro. After they finished, they said they also wanted to give the Festival to Nelson Mandela. All we were shocked it was not improvised, it was the feeling of South Africa. "
love for Fidel and Cuba thanks to beat in the South African people. Mora recounts that during his stay in South Africa for preparations for the Festival, had the opportunity to visit Soweto, a landmark neighborhood with a history of struggle against apartheid. There a lady who spoke neither English nor English, to know him and know that it was Cuban, only managed to hug him and say "Viva Fidel Castro!".
"The image of Fidel in the South African black people is that of a leader. Today, when you show up in South Africa as a Cuban, it does so as a brother, and that is received at any place, either in college or in the same Soweto, "says Mora, and remember that this nation and returned more of 150 South African doctors trained in Cuba, who in exercising their profession in different South African communities receive the love that his countrymen feel for Cuba.
"The African National Congress (ANC)-ruling party's alliance with the Communist Party and the Confederation of Trade Unions (COSATU) - and its Youth League, has been raised to take Cuba's experience in building their society. There is a great approach, not just romantic, the reality of our country. "

The XVII Festival will also be an opportunity for young people from different countries feel the heat of the struggle of South Africans to build a multicultural and multiracial society.
"The National Preparatory Committee of South Africa has decided that all political events, including ceremonies opening and closing ceremonies, taking place in Soweto, it was there were major demonstrations in the South African people against the apartheid regime. Johannesburg is the central city of the Festival, but you want to reach all regions of the country.
"The ANC Youth League and Young Communist League, with two other youth-strong Congress of South African Students (Things, which brings together high school) and the South African Students Congress (SASCO, bringing together academics ) - work to build a great Festival. They have achieved a National Preparatory Committee consisting of more than 17 organizations interested in this issue constitutes a major political event. "
Support the Festival by the ANC and South African leaders did not wait. They are also full of enthusiasm for hosting an event in your country imperialism of such magnitude as when they were found hiding in the youth festivals global solidarity and the space to explain their cause against apartheid.
So far there have been two international preparatory meetings, one in Venezuela and one in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The third will be in Cyprus from 11 to 14 September.
Then, in parallel with the Assembly of Peoples of the Caribbean, Barbados will host the 9th and 10th August, another high school to finalize details of the mobilization in the region.
will also be a continental meeting in Argentina, from 16 to 18 August. Besides the presence of Latin American organizations, this meeting will include representatives of the United States and Canada to discuss how will be the day America. Is scheduled for that day will address issues such as free access to education and culture, the manipulation of media by the hegemonic system, the role of youth in the fight against illiteracy, and the establishment of military bases in the region.
With optimism and strength, the world progressive youth in South Africa will find a warm seat. The new generations will feel the course of a restless nation, with many dreams and challenges.
Festival dispel false stories based on commercial logic and hegemony, built the image of Africa with high doses of exoticism and without a past. Will also be an energy boost and recognition for a continent that, with stoic endurance, paddling their way to sweep the obstacles that prevent him from achieving true independence.
* In the pictures, the XV World Festival of Youth and Students held in Algeria the first in Africa. Photo: Ernesto Matrascusa / Juventud Rebelde
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