Jews and the Romans used different standards for counting the hour, although both systems divide the day into two periods of 12 hours. A new day for the Romans started at midnight (as we do today), while a new day for the Jews began in the afternoon in what we call the 6 pm
For this reason it is believed, that the gospels were written about in Jewish territory and other Greek territory or Roman, which would yield different even count the hours. Solar eclipse began at the sixth hour, according to the three evangelists Matthew, Mark and Luke, St. Mark says expressly: "Check the sixth hour there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour " . However, XTO. made his first three words on the Cross before the commencement of darkness, and therefore before the sixth hour. San Marcos explains this fact more clearly by saying: "It was the third hour when they crucified him," and adding a little later: "When the sixth hour there was darkness" . When he says that XTO. was crucified at the third hour, you indicate that it was nailed to the Cross before the end of that time, and therefore before the start of the sixth hour. We should note here that Mark speaks of the core hours, each of which contained three ordinary hours, hours first, third, sixth, ninth and eleventh.
LA SIESTA. (is the greeting that heads this blog, next to Christ's body Mantegna, one of my favorite works)
Siesta comes from sixth hour, the center day. Etymologically, the word Siesta comes from the canonical division of the day, and corresponds to the sixth hour. Laudes time 00:00 - Matins 03:00 - Prima, Tertia 9:00 6:00 12:00-Nona-sixth 15:00 - Eve 18:00 - 21:00 Complete.
go to non In Catalan, it means going to bed and drift of the ninth now.
The siesta is not only a English institution, but has become an international term that has gone into languages \u200b\u200bas diverse as English ( nap), French ( nap), German ( Siesta ) , Danish ( nap), Hungarian ( Szieszta ) or Polish ( sjesta ), just to name a few.
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