recognizes PRD government's democratic vocation Gabino Cue
national president recognizes PRD government's democratic vocation Gabino Cue
reforms Ponder Jesus Zambrano driven constitutional state representative, has put emphasis on participatory democracy, says
Oaxaca, Mexico, April 29, 2011 .- Gabino Cue Monteagudo Governor, received on Friday in his office at Palace Government paid a courtesy visit of National President of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), Jesus Zambrano Grijalva, who exchange views on relevant issues of national and state policy agenda.
Interviewed after the meeting with the state governor, Zambrano recalled that the party of the sun Aztec was one of the backbones in the coalition that brought the victory to Gabino Cue, and therefore must assert and prove that it was worth the vote for the Oaxacan alternation and an Alliance government.
pointed out that with the same vision of full cooperation, constructive dialogue and respect for the division of powers, local and federal deputies of this party will help to make more resources to Oaxaca in the budget Federation for 2012, plus it will also open spaces that address issues of concern to municipal authorities issued the ranks of the PRD.
Al requerírsele their views on the performance of the government headed by Gabino Cue, the PRD leader praised the constitutional reforms promoted by the state executive and approved by the local Congress, which he said have now amended the essence of an authoritarian regime.
are continued, reforms that emphasize direct and participatory democracy by raising constitutional status figures like the referendum, the plebiscite, the revocation of the mandate and all you have to do with rights protection human.
also emphasized the importance being given to social programs, and emphasized that the governor Gabino Cue is showing you can do things differently to improve the quality of life of the population general.
The national leader of the PRD called frank and constructive dialogue it had with the governor of Oaxaca, as it allowed certainly endorse commitments, he said, will impact the strengthening of the democratic life of the entity.
Jesus Zambrano was accompanied by Eloi Vázquez Díaz López and Adriana Contreras, members of the National Political Commission of the PRD, as well as local representatives and Carol Aleida Antonio Serrano Rosado Altamirano, the latter coordinator parliamentary faction of the party in Congress local, inter alia
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