Monday, February 7, 2011

Crust On Gums After Gingivectomy

I met in Pretoria. She was surrounded by fellow and moved from side to side between the multinational crowd in those days of December welcomed the South African capital, during the XVII World Festival of Youth and Students. It seemed they were about life that gave every reason to defend his people robbed.

Your melhfa *, white and blue, showed how an ordinary woman among so many gathered in Sahrawi the campus of the Tshwane University of Technology. However, under these fabrics was skin and a soul that had supported is
toicamente the atrocities of the Moroccan repressive forces.

Three years is nothing to banish bad memories, a life is not enough for Sultana Jaya to stop your head feel the impact of the club, or on the lips the taste of blood ...

Since 2005 found in Morocco, where he had been banished by the authorities in Rabat, for his involvement in the intifada which began that year. On May 9, 2007 Sultana was participating in a sit-
ity with the Sahrawi prisoners in Moroccan prisons and to celebrate the creation of the Frente Polisario.

knew there were risks, because many young people a week before the University of Agadir had been attacked by Moroccan students
extreme right, which were backed Rabat government, whose troops also broke into the university district to arrest i legally learners and torture.

Jaya's fate was no different from other young people from Agadir. Suddenly, hundreds of guards charged into the tens of Sahrawi students chanted slogans solidaridad con sus coterráneos presos en las cárc
eles de Marruecos. La bella Sultana fue salvajemente golpeada.

«Salimos hacia el barrio universitario para protegernos; pensamos que estaríamos seguros allí, pero los soldados se lanzaron como perros de caza.
¡Eran 700! Nos tiraron gases lacrimógenos, botellas con gasolina; nosotros no teníamos armas», narró Sultana Jaya. La joven fue alcanzada por un policía que no se cansaba de apalearla en la cabeza, le metió la porra en el ojo, y le estalló el globo ocular.

«Cuando de repente me vi con el ojo en las manos, se I told the guard, but neither touched the contrary, it gave me more blows and told another officer to take me out the other eye. "
more blood, more emboldened the police. Even
massacred which prided itself on its atrocity. "He said jubilantly:" I was the one who cut out his eye ", says the girl.

Despite his critical condition, Sultana was arrested. She was taken to the police station Lafnaa Jamaa, where he remained for several hours. All the way in a van followed the shock. Other students at his side suffered the same fate.
"One of the agents said: "We're going to rape", another proposed burn, and there was even
qu ien said to be a specialist in psychological aggression. "

The Jamaa Lafnaa interrogation had the same ingredients. "There is torture," he says Jaya, and warning me that he still had many brutal crimes they have.
was not the only "guest" of Lafnaa Jamma. When he arrived there were already suffering from other college students their own ordeal.

"During the torture sessions that forced us to pro-Moroccan slogans, they wanted us to accept the occupation. "I kept losing a lot of blood. When they tired of beating me, I rode in an ambulance to take me to hospital. I do not want to go, because he feared further reprisals. Along the way, I got a police l fingers you in the eye.

"One of the specialists told me I could not attend, and took me to a room where two Moroccan women, I asked gauze but I got it. It was very sad to find there that hate. "Then a doctor asked," Where is the Polisario? "And I replied: "Here." Then he grabbed me by the hair, gave me Zapatazos by mouth, I set foot on the head, and said, "You have to take the blood, this crap you have to drink it."

The next day, Sultana Jaya was in the same situation. Not even a Moroccan woman, a relative of a patient, could do something about it. "Just scored a phone number I gave him to call my family, the police who were guarding the room slapped, just trying to help. Then I isolate
on in another room ", says the young 30 years and remembers a nurse there told him he had to buy the thread if you want the suture.

A Moroccan offered to help and asked for a number of a contact to dial. At the time, two friends came to his rescue Sahrawi. "At first they refused to see me, because the Moroccans wanted to sew the eyelids over the eye socket, directly, without surgical intervention. But my friends threatened to report him to the doctor before an international court if they did not take their responsibility as doctors. "

The consecutive mistreatment and delay of medical treatment Sultana caused irreparable damage to lose the eye.

May 27 Jaya had to appear before a trial without due process and with many pressures and blackmail. "The Crown Prosecutor (Morocco) said if I wanted to be free, he had to say that those who had abused me had been my colleagues in the university. Of course I refused, and that cost me eight months in prison. "

Once he was free, Sultana able to travel to Europe with a humanitarian visa run by a Swedish NGO supporting the Saharawi people, but the authorities of the monarchy seem to realize, in Barcelona underwent a delicate operation to place a prosthetic eye.

Two years later he returned to El Aiuún, capital of the occupied territories, where many Sahrawi waited, but the reception was ruthlessly suppressed by the occupying forces. All access to the city remained under tight police control, military and security throughout the day, in anticipation of the arrival of Sultana. The same happened in Boujdour, a town where you would move the girl, and along the entire route connecting the two points.

also were several police charges with great brutality and a violation of domicile many Saharawi citizens, especially those related to the defense of human rights in the territory of the Sahara occupied by Morocco. In that attack wounded several civilians.

Meanwhile, the Moroccan police were still preys on Sultana, who in October 2009 its documentation was confiscated at the airport in El Aiuún for the girl is unable to travel to Barcelona, \u200b\u200breviewed the ocular prosthesis in a query that should be every six months. His family is under constant surveillance. Sultana

Jaya, now vice president of the Saharawi Women's Forum, wants to return to their Bojador, but the authorities in Rabat it prohibited. "If I go I'll be exposing torture, as I am booked by the police and there is an arrest warrant against me."
In fact, in April 2010, while returning from the Saharawi refugee camps Tiundouf (Algeria), together with other activists, the group was attacked by Moroccan settlers.

However, she said very resolutely: "I'll be back in my country to continue the struggle for self-determination for my people. The Sahara has to be free. "

criminal record

Stories of pain and suffering as the Sultana Jaya keep recurring in Western Sahara with impunity and silence of the United States and Europe, the powers complicit in the illegal Moroccan occupation of the people of North Africa. One of the most recent and shocking attacks was the looting of camp Izik Gdeim dignity, in November 2010 by the Moroccan army.

Since then unleashed a major military offensive, police and secret service against the peaceful participants in the initiative to demand the right of the Saharawi people to independence.
The detainees have been systematically exposed to various types of torture and human rights violations by police, both in their arrest and during the time who have been unlawfully detained.
Many like Abdallah, Mohamed Al-Ayoubi (diabetic), Zaoui Elhoucein, Abdallah Toubali, Daf and Hassan Dah Daish were violated by the military, who used sticks to it. Mohamed Elbachir Boutiguza was subjected to the same violation, but with a metal object. All these and others whose names would be enough to fill this page were beaten and cold water and urine on their naked bodies in the long sessions of torture.

Elbachir Boutiguza Mohamed, a member of the Dialogue Commission Izik Gdeim camp, subjected him to torture as sadistic as calls 'the airplane' in tying a stick to the back of the prisoner with open arms and hung from the ceiling, he burned with cigarettes and introduced him coke bottles for the year. He also suffered a technique of "roast chicken 'with cops give in the knees, simulating a bat hanging from a chicken simmered and deprived of sleep for several days.

discharge of electricity, especially in the nails of hands and feet, waterboarding, sleep deprivation and food, also appear in the extensive list Moroccan proceed in order to torture in their stations and in prisons as notorious as Salé where they were locked up many of the Saharawi who participated in the Camp Dignity.

* Melhfa: traditional clothing of Saharawi women, is a large, lightweight clothing made from the union of two layers of four meters long.

Photo 1: Taken by the photojournalist Roberto Ruiz Espinosa
Photo 2 shows the state left by the Moroccan police Sultana Jaya.


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