Tuesday, October 19, 2010

License Catan Cities And Knights

Republic Democratic Republic of Congo: UN report warm

Massacres, rape, mutilations, attacks on children ... and yet, a climate of total impunity. Any number of atrocities recoge un reciente informe de Naciones Unidas, que con ojo miope intenta buscar culpables de los crímenes cometidos en el Congo-Kinshasa por los distintos bandos contendientes, entre marzo de 1993 y junio de 2003.

El esperado informe, publicado a inicios de este mes, se apoya en 1 280 testigos y 1 500 documentos, y cita 617 incidentes graves en los que decenas de miles de personas perdieron la vida durante esa década, a manos de las fuerzas contendientes. Según el texto del Alto Comisariado de Derechos Humanos de la ONU, en los acontecimientos estuvieron involucrados nada más y nada menos que 21 grupos armados, así como otros ocho ejércitos de países de la región. Pero ni una palabra de la injerencia de las potencias or obscure interests that were the backdrop and the payment of such occurrences.

If the results of research in the Democratic Republic of the Congo today have left quite "shocked" the response of other regional actors have been very different. Rwanda and Uganda do not recognize the text, which they describe as "sloppy" or "garbage" because according to them, the UN continues regardless of the version, that sent troops into eastern Congo to hunt down those responsible for massacre of 800 000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus, which occurred in Rwanda in 1994.

A dangerous attempt to "rewrite history" that could reignite the conflict in the region, Kigali says referring to the UN report. Even Rwanda has even threatened to withdraw its 3 500 troops from the force of UN peacekeepers in Sudan. Meanwhile, Uganda says it is confident that the objective pursued by the publication of the text is to destroy its relations with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The UN document is particularly incisive with Rwandan forces, which responsibility for "widespread and systematic attack" that could be classified as "crimes of genocide, '" says the text, against the Hutu refugees in the neighboring nation .

But this difficult passage in the history of Central Africa also tarnishes the image who say the peacekeepers of the UN in the homeland of Patrice Lumumba. There, his role has been disastrous, the international body is also guilty of the atrocities committed when he ordered his men to check out the civilian refugees in the camps under their control. Many of the peacekeepers have also raped women have been trafficked illegally and mineral resources of Congo.

not trying to defend Rwanda, and Uganda. Your participation in these conflicts is not a fiction, during the fighting, were made mineral resources (coltan, gold, diamonds) of Congo. But history, as is always half-told, and while the UN report blames some, fails to mention biggest part of many crimes, which were the major powers and their corporations, which have fueled ethnic hatred and conflict to get their benefit.

If the UN has decided to unveil crime stories, it would be fair to denounce those who sponsor conflicts, the great powers and multinational corporations that it has never been accepted as national governments in Africa, finance the civil war, and they unleash what they hypocritically call tribal and ethnic clashes, to plunder the national wealth in the mines in the territories controlled by the rebels, as has happened in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. I should not dig mucho…

También debería empezar por mirarse adentro y reconocer que sus denominadas misiones de paz en ese país —el mayor de sus despliegues militares en el mundo— no cumplen sus anunciados objetivos de proteger a los civiles. Solo así, sus informes serían creíbles.


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