Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why Would Someone Wear A Pink Tuxedo To The Prom

Unity Celebration Auction. Information. LIVE

This electronic auction will be held by the Unit Auctions and Evictions, under the Joint Service Communication Acts Murcia, (web ).

addition to answering any questions, we are responsible to provide all information and documentation that we have been sent from the court or were able to get otherwise (certification of charges with a copy of the registration sheet, or valuation reports property valuation, status of preferential loans cadastral data, etc). This blog will indicate the documents available. We can be provided by electronic mail. He also personally attend if you decide to come to our office to pick them up.

E-mail: @ subastas.murcia
Phone: 968.817001 and 968.817220. Fax: 968.817219.

We are at Phase I of the Ciudad de la Justicia de Murcia, located in Ronda Sur, s / n, with Eroski.

- The office of the Unit is on the ground floor, inside the Common Service of Acts of Communication and Execution.

- The auction will be held on the same floor. The auction room is marked with number 11 .

Important appropriations account to participate. We have a number proper appropriation account, where you have to make a deposit to participate in our auctions. So do not have to log into the account of the court that handled the case but in which we indicate for each auction.


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